The Ogata Lab

The OGata Lab


Patient-centered design of bioanalytical technologies for equitable women’s healthcare: from nano-material development to diagnostics

Bioanalytical Chemistry | Materials Chemistry | Clinical Chemistry


The Ogata Lab

The Ogata Lab develops bioanalytical technologies for protein quantification using bioinspired nanomaterials to pursue our vision of solving key challenges in disease diagnostics and revolutionizing women’s health.


Research Areas

Patient-centered Design

Using user-centered design to increase translation and impact of bioanalytical technologies.

Bioinspired Nanomaterials

Strategically design and discover bioinspired nanomaterials for bioanalytical technologies.

Biosensors: Simple and Sensitive

Develop simple, rapid, and quantitative biosensors for point-of-care applications.

Diagnostics for Gynecological Diseases

Innovate a diagnostic pipeline for gynecological diseases.





10 +

Lab Members


Classes Taught




Lab News


Meet Dr. Ogata

Dr. Alana Ogata joined the University of Toronto as an Assistant Professor in the summer of 2021 and is jointly appointed in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences.

Dr. Ogata obtained her B.Sc. from the College of William & Mary and completed her PhD under Dr. Reginald Penner at UC Irvine.

Click the button below to Learn More about Dr. Ogata’s career and research interests, and please consider following her on X/Twitter.



Engaging People with Lived Experience in Research at University Health Network
Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research – Patient Engagement Framework
Briefing notes for researchers – public involvement in NHS, health and social care research
Increasing Visibility of Women in Science with Art Semarhy Quiñones-Soto
Working Towards Inclusivity in Chemistry Toronto
Queer, PoC, Creative, STEM Kemi Oloyede


Contact Us

Interested in joining our lab? The Ogata Lab is recruiting for the following positions with a tentative start date:

  1. Post Doctoral Fellow (start date Summer/Fall 2025)
  2. PhD Students (start date Summer/Fall 2025)
  3. No MSc positions currently open
  4. No volunteer opportunities currently open

Click the button below to get in touch and learn more about the guidelines for applying to the Ogata Lab.

Open positions

The Ogata Lab is recruiting for the following positions with a tentative start date:

  1. Post Doctoral Fellow (start date Summer/Fall 2025)
  2. PhD Students (start date Summer/Fall 2025)
  3. No MSc positions currently open
  4. No volunteer opportunities currently open

See guidelines for applying to the Ogata Lab