University of Toronto / University of Toronto Mississauga
- Suboh, Sana; Ogata, Alana F.* Microfluidic devices as miniaturized screening and diagnostic approaches for gynecological cancers detection. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 2024.
- Van Houten, Justin; Castillo Barberi, Ruben; King, Jared; Ogata, Alana F.* Improving the colloidal stability of protein@ZIF-8 nanoparticles in biologically relevant buffers. RSC Material Advances. 2024.
- Van Houten, Justin; Dosajh, Advikaa; Gulati, Shriya; Bhullar, Gurjap; Copeman, Christopher; Ogata, Alana F.* Morphology Control and Self-Assembled Copper Coordination Polymers for Glucose Assays. ACS Langmuir. 2024. 40, 7, 3486–3495.
- Van Houten, J; Dosajh, Advikaa; Ogata, Alana F*. Multiplexed Electrochemical Detection of Biomarkers in Biological Samples. RSC Specialist Periodical Report Electrochemistry. 2023. 17, 568.
- Eric J. Choi, Nicholas P. Drago, Nicholas Humphrey, Justin Van Houten, Il-Doo Kim*, Alana F. Ogata*, Reginald M. Penner*. “Electrodeposition-Enabled, Electrically-Transduced Sensors and Biosensors: 2017 – Present”. Materials Today. 2023. 62, 129-150.
Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School / UC Irvine / College of William & Mary
- Carpenter, Brooke P; Talosig, Rain A; Mulvey, Justin T; Merham, Jovany G; Esquivel, Jamie; Rose, Ben; Ogata, Alana F; Fishman, Dmitry A; Patterson, Joseph P. Role of Molecular Modifications and Protein Folding in the Nucleation and Growth of Protein-Metal-Organic Frameworks. Chemistry of Materials. 2022. 34, 18, 8336-8344.
- Gibson, Christopher; et al. Donor clonal hematopoeisis and recipient outcomes after transplantation. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2022. 40, 189-201.
- Gilboa, Tal α; Ogata, Alana F α; Reilly, Charles B; Walt, David R. Single-molecule studies reveal method for tuning the heterogeneous activity of alkaline phosphatase. Biophysical Journal. 2022. 121, 1-8.
- Ogata, Alana F; Lazarovits, Roey; Uwamanzu, Augusta; et al. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine.2021.
- Gilboa, Tal; Ogata, Alana F, Walt, David R. Single-molecule enzymology for diagnostics: profiling alkaline phosphatase activity in clinical samples. ChemBioChem. 2021.
- Ogata, Alana Fα; Cheng, Chi-Anα; Desjardins, Michaelα; et al. Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1283 Vaccine Recipients. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2021.
- Yonker, Lael Mα; Gilboa Talα; Ogata, Alana Fα; et al. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children is driven by zonulin-dependent loss of gut mucosal barrier. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021. 131 (14), e149633 10.1172/JCI149633
- Ogata, Alana F; Maley, Adam M; Wu, Connie; Gilboa, Tal; Norman, Maia; et al. Ultra-sensitive Serial Profiling of SARS-CoV-2 Antigens and Antibodies in Plasma to Understand Disease Progression in COVID-19 Patients with Severe Disease. Clinical Chemistry. 2020. 66 (12), 1562-1572.
- Ogata, Alana F; Mirabello, G; Rakowski, Alexander M; Patterson, Joe P. Chapter 7: Revealing Nonclassical Nucleation Pathways using Cryogenic Electron Microscopy; Crystallization via Nonclassical Pathways Volume 1: Nucleation, Assembly, Observation & Application. ACS Symposium Series.2020, 1385, 147-200.
- Norman, Maia; Gilboa, Tal; Ogata, Alana F; Maley, Adam M; Cohen, Limor; et al. Ultra-Sensitive High-Resolution Profiling of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies for Detecting Early Seroconversion in COVID-19 Patients. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2020, 4, 1180-1187.
- Gilboa, Talα; Maley, Adam Mα; Ogata, Alana Fα; Wu, Connieα ; Walt, David R. Sequential Protein Capture in Multiplex Single Molecule Arrays: A Strategy for Eliminating Assay Cross-Reactivity. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2020. 10, 2001111
- Wang, Xu; Ogata, Alana F; Walt, David R. Ultrasensitive Detection of Enzymatic Activity Using Single Molecule Arrays. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020. 142 (35), 15098-15106.
- Bhasin, Apurva; Sanders, Emily C; Ziegler, Joshua M; Briggs, Jeffrey S; Drago, Nicholas P; Attar, Aisha M; Santos, Alicia M; True, Marie Y; Ogata, Alana F; Yoon, Debora V; Mahumdar, Sudipta; Wheat, Andrew J; Patterson, Shae V; Weiss, Gregory A; Penner, Reginald M. A Virus BioResistor (VBR) for the Detection of the Bladder Cancer Marker DJ-1 in Urine at 10 pM in One Minute. Analytical Chemistry. 2020. 92 (9), 6654-6666.
- Ogata, Alana F; Rakowski Alexander M; Carpenter, Brooke P; Fishman Dmitry A; Merham, Jovany G; Hurst, Paul J; Patterson, Joseph P. Direct Observation of Amorphous Precursor Phases in the Nucleation of Protein-Metal-Organic Frameworks. J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2020, 142 (3), 1433-1442 Featured on cover.
- Bhasin, Aα; Ogata, Alana Fα; Briggs, Jeffrey S; Tam, PY; Tam, Ming X; Weiss, Gregory A; Penner, Reginald M. The Virus bioresistor: Wiring Virus Particles for the Direct, Label-Free Detection of Target Proteins. Nano Letters. 2018, 18 (6), 3623-3629.
- Ogata, Alana F; Song, Seok-Won; Cho, Su-Ho; Koo, Won-Tae; Jang, Ji-Soo; Jeong, Yong Jin; Kim, Min-Hyeok; Cheong, Jun Young; Penner, Reginald M*; Il-Doo Kim*. An Impedance-Transduced Chemiresistor with a Porous Carbon Channel for Rapid, Nonenzymatic, Glucose Sensing. Analytical Chemistry. 2018, 90 (15), 9338-9346.
- Qiao, Shaopeng; Ogata, Alana F; Jha, Gaurav; Chattopadhyay, Aurnov; Penner, Reginald M*. Rapid, Wet Chemical Fabrication of Radial Junction Electroluminescent Wires. ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces. 2018, Article ASAP.
- Jha, Gaurav; Tran, Thien; Qiao, Shaopeng; Ziegler, Joshua M; Ogata, Alana F; Dai, Sheng; Xu, Mingjie; Thai, Mya L; Chandran, Girija T; Pan, Xiaoqing*; Penner, Reginald M*. Electrophoretic Deposition of Mesoporous Niobium (V) Oxide Nanoscopic Films. Chemistry of Materials. 2018, 30 (18), 6549-6558.
- Cheong, Joon Young.; Youn, Doo Young.; Kim, Chanhoon.; Jung, Ji-Won.; Ogata, Alana F.; Bae, Jin Gook.; Kim, Il-Doo*. Ag-coated one-dimensional orthorhombic Nb2O5 fibers as high-performance electrodes for lithium storage. Electrochimica Acta 2018, (269) 338-396.
- Ogata, Alana F; Edgar, Joshua M.; Majumdar, Sudipta; Briggs, Jeffrey S.; Patterson, Shae V.; Tan, Ming X.; Kudlacek, Stephan T.; Schneider, Christine A.; Weiss, Gregory A*.; Penner, Reginald M*. Virus-enabled biosensor for human serum albumin. Analytical Chemistry. 2017, 89 (2), 1373-1381.
- Chandran, Girija Tα; Li, Xiaoweiα; Ogata, Alana Fα; Penner, Reginald M*. Electrically Transduced Sensors Based on Nanomaterials. Analytical Chemistry. 2017,89 (1), 249-275.
- Koo, Won-Tae.; Qiao, Shaopeng.; Ogata, Alana F.; Jha, Gaurav.; Jang, Ji-Soo.; Chen, Vivian T.; Kim, Il-Doo.; Penner, Reginald M*. Accelerating Palladium Nanowire H2 Sensors Using Engineered Nanofiltration. ACS Nano. 2017,11, 9276.
- Jang, Ji-Soo.; Qiao, Shaopeng.; Choi, Seon-Jin.; Jha, Gaurav.; Ogata, Alana F.; Koo, Won-Tae.; Kim, Dong-Ha.; Kim, Il-Doo.; Penner, Reginald M*. Hollow Pd-Ag Composite Nanowires for Fast Responding and Transparent Hydrogen Sensors. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2017, 9, 39464.
- Chandran, Girija T.; Jha, Gaurav.; Qiao, Shaopeng.; Thai, Mya Le.; Dutta, Rajen K.; Ogata, Alana F.; Jang, Ji-Soo.; Kim, Il-Doo*.; Penner, Reginald M*. Supercharging a MnO2 Nanowire: An Amine-Altered Morphology Retains Capacity at High Rates and Mass Loadings. Langmuir. 2017, (33) 9324.
- Thai, Mya Le.; Qiao, Shaopeng.; Dutta, Rajen K.; Jha, Gaurav.; Ogata, Alana F.; Chandran, Grijia T.; Penner, Reginald M*. Collateral Advantages of a Gel Electrolyte for MnO2 Nanowire Capacitors: Higher Voltage; Reduced Volume. ACS Energy Letters. 2017, 2 (5), 1162-1169.
- Tan, Jenna A; Garakyaraghi, Sofia; Tagami, Kan A; Frano, Kristen Frano A; Crockett, Heidi M; Ogata, Alana F; Patterson, Joshua D; Wustholz Kristin L*. Contributions from excited-state proton and electron transfer to the blinking and photobleaching dynamics of alizarin and purpurin. Journal of Physical Chemistry C.2014,121 (1), 97-106.
- Wustholz. K*; Ogata. Alana Fα; Wong. Nα, Dispersive Electron-Transfer Kinetics from Single Molecules on TiO2 Nanoparticle Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2013, 117 (41), 21075-21085.
Dr. Alana Ogata
Dr. Alana Ogata joined the University of Toronto as an Assistant Professor in the summer of 2021 and is jointly appointed in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences.
Dr. Ogata obtained her B.Sc. from the College of William & Mary and completed her PhD under Dr. Reginald Penner at UC Irvine.
Click the button below to Learn More about Dr. Ogata’s career and research interests, and please consider following her on X/Twitter.

Research Areas
Join the Ogata Lab
Due to the high volume of email inquiries, Alana is unable to respond to all emails. There are currently 1-3 open graduate student positions for Fall 2023 (masters/PhD), and all interested students must apply to the Department of Chemistry.
Post-doctoral Fellows
Currently recruiting a post doctoral fellow to lead a project on the ultrasensitive single-molecule arrays for protein biomarker detection for gynecological diseases.
Prospective postdoctoral scholars should email Alana with a 1-page cover letter, CV, and a 5-slide presentation that summarizes your previous research accomplishments. Also, include potential projects or proposed ideas that you can contribute to and contact information for three references.
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. In the subject line of the email, include “[Full postdoc application for U of T Ogata Lab]”
Graduate Students
Admitted graduate students to the University of Toronto should directly email Alana. Prospective graduate students should apply to the University of Toronto, Department of Chemistry before directly contacting Alana. Specific projects that a student is interested in can be discussed upon admittance.
The Ogata lab values team work, creating a supportive environment, leadership, and learning – students should highlight their scientific excellence, leadership, mentorship, and problem-solving skills in their applications.
Undergraduate Students
Alana is a big advocate for undergraduate research. Undergraduate students at the University of Toronto seeking research should email Alana with a statement of interest and CV.
We encourage 2nd and 3rd year students to apply to an NSERC USRA for the summer, and the Ogata lab typically posts 1-3 ROP positions in the summers.
Students entering their 4th year and interested in a thesis project should email Alana in the preceding summer. Currently there are no research volunteer positions open.